

There are few things more beautiful than red rocks in snow. That is one of the reasons we visit the southwest. This winter has been warmer and drier than normal, which—after three record breaking years—is sadly becoming the norm. January days near 70 degrees in the high desert of Arizona are pleasant for people, but the plants and wildlife are suffering.
My desire to see the flutter of big fat wet flakes inspired me to fashion a charm in hopes of inspiring the clouds.  Or, maybe, the round wooden tops on the bottles of Cholula hot sauce we have been consuming at an alarming rate inspired my creation.  It matters not.
Taking the wooden lids from different sized bottles and combining them created the perfect snowman shape. A little embellishment with paint, glitter and stick arms brought him to life. His hat was fashioned from a discarded sock and embroidered with thread from a travel sewing kit. The “coal” eyes and “carrot” nose are just tiny rocks found on an afternoon dog walk. One warm day a snowman arose (from my limited craft supply) where before there was none. And, he did the trick. It snowed today.