
A box of t-shirts arrives from the printer.

Design detail.
When something new arrives in the house, the dog has to check it out.  Recently it was a large box of newly screen-printed shirts. After several months of work, this motorcycle event t-shirt project is a wrap. The two-color detailed design, front and back, was a fun one to do. 

My original concept had the front graphic larger and centered on the chest.  When pocket tees were requested, the front image had to be shifted and the size reduced.  Sometimes you have to roll with changes. 

Hint: When you are responsible for artwork, pay attention to the proof your printer provides. Even though artwork and instructions were furnished, mistakes showed up on the proof.  I caught them, the printer made their corrections, and the shirts were printed successfully.  Careful proofing is essential prior to any print job. 

Over the years I have created a lot of t-shirt art and a gallery will be added to this blog to share some of these designs.  Many clients request black shirts.  The shirt being sniffed by the quality control inspector in the photo above was mine to keep.  Great care was taken to insure no dog or cat hair hit any of those black tees.  With my fluffy crew, that was a job in itself.   Ride safe.

Printer's comp with corrections marked up.