
A peek at design submissions. The beautiful floral linocut design is by Kim Bene.

Not long ago, friend and fellow artist Kim Bene turned me on to the magazine UPPERCASE.  The tagline for the magazine is "for the creative and curious" and I must say that describes it well. Based in Calagary, Canada,  publisher/editor/designer Janine Vangool produces a beautiful quarterly magazine highlighting graphic design, illustration, crafting and more.

UPPERCASE recently held a bookmark design challenge and now features the submissions on their website here.  The designs are available for download including those by Kim and me. The April/May/June edition of UPPERCASE is for sale and a few bookmarks with the winning designs have been tucked within. While, alas, my design was not chosen, it was a fun exercise.

I chose a magpie for my design for not only their beauty but in Native American folklore the magpie is considered a friend and helper. Wearing a magpie feather is a sign of fearlessness by some tribes as the bird is bold, showing little fear. Magpies will often cache food they have found so they can later retrieve it.  Here I imagined my fearless magpie flying off with a new treasure.

Books give us the wings of imagination.  Fly on.