
I went to Scotland yesterday.  Earlier in the week I visited Belfast.  
I did both without leaving my chair.  A friend sent me a link, and suddenly I was attending a wedding on the Loch Finlaggan.  The wedding of pattern designer and writer Katie Davies featured her beautiful handmade knitwear, not to mention a clever button bouquet.  Take a visit and scroll through the beautiful photography and don't miss the post about her potato-loving dog.

On Sentimental Stitch, Irish textile artist Gemma Walters showcases her hauntingly beautiful reproductions of the pockets 18th century women wore under their many layered skirts.  Embellished with embroidery and faux stains and wear, she gives us an intimate glimpse back into time.

Paris anyone?  Let transplanted Carol Gillott take you on an exploration of the treasures of the City of Light on Paris Breakfasts. Hint: arrive at Notre Dame early to avoid the crowds.

Are you interested in New Zealand women filmmakers? Then check out the Wellywood Woman blog.  On Instagram you'll find Creative Muslim Women.  It features one of my favorite tag lines,  "May take time to load due to high amounts of awesome."

What is it like to be a Navajo woman in the modern world?  Read what Jaclyn Roessel has to say at Grownup Navaho. Her eloquent post about the recently tainted waters of the Animas River will bring it home for you.

Log onto A Mermaid's Tale and Christine will let you peek into her shop and all around Cornwall. This beautiful blog transports you into picturesque English gardens and arts. Her seashell collages and sedum arrangements will have you smelling the salt air.

And then there is the blog by an Australian artist who fell in love with Iceland and moved there.  She documented her new life and art until the posts stop in late 2014 with no explanation.  I'll go back from time to time to check on her.

Many blogs by woman feature their dogs so why should mine be any different?  The image above is of Mose.  This picky guy would not eat a potato (unless you smothered it in cat food).

Happy exploring!